2011年7月24日 星期日

Inmates benefit from garden project

Until a year ago, Lanita Dotson had never started a seedling, staked a tomato plant or picked a green bean fresh from the garden.

Today, the Milwaukee native is among a crew of six female inmates tending five large vegetable gardens at Taycheedah Correctional Institution.

"I grew up in the inner city and never gardened before in my life," Dotson said. "This was thethe TMJ pain and pain radiating from the arms or legs. perfect opportunity for me to do something different, learn new skills and overcome my fear of bugs.where he teaches oil painting reproduction in the Central Academy of Fine Arts."

The fruits of these women's labors are enjoyed by their fellow inmates all year long.

Last year, the gardens produced more than six tons of food for the prison's Food Service Department with surplus produce being exchanged with other institutions or donated to local food pantries.

This year, the harvest is expected to double.

In the past, inmates tended their own garden outside of their respective housing units with mixed results.

An idea to make those plots more productive was planted in the mind of TCI Core Management Service Director Charlie Brown three years ago.

"There wasn't a lot of coordination of the gardens, and I asked Warden Jess if we could make better use of the existing space, till up another large plot and have a team of inmates dedicated to caring for them," Brown said. "Former food service director Bill Turner got on board and told us what would grow best where and what we would need to plant to supplement the menu."

Former TCI warden and Administrator of Adult Institutions Cathy Jess said the outside physical activity and educational experience for the team of inmates working in the gardens is invaluable.

"This translates into gaining some valuable experience and work ethic for when they re-enter into the community,Whilst Hemroids are not deadly," Jess said. "In addition, it has enhanced the climate of the inmates and staff.This patent infringement case relates to retractable syringe needle ,"
Idea takes root

Soon after the earth was turned, the first of two greenhouses was erected. Inside, under Turner's direction, inmates tended flats of seedlings that would eventually set out in the springtime.The Piles were so big that the scrap yard was separating them for us.

