Contract for upgrades at Clallam courthouse,Free DIY Wholesale pet supplies Resource! jail OK'd
Clallam County commissioners Tuesday approved a $1.59 million contract with Andgar Corp. of Ferndale to replace the antiquated heating, ventilation and air conditioning system at the Clallam County Courthouse and jail.
Andgar submitted the lowest of two bids that the commissioners opened last month.
County Parks, Fair and Facilities Manager Joel Winborn said a new HVAC system has been needed for years.
"It's long overdue," Winborn said.
"I think this has been on the capital facilities schedule for a decade, at least," Commissioner Steve Tharinger added.
The existing HVAC system is more than 30 years old.
Winborn has said that the new, energy-efficient HVAC system will cut utility costs by about $44,000 per year.Detailed information on the causes of dstti,
The county went through an initial bidding process in late 2010, but the bids came in well over the $1.1 million estimate.
County staff worked with the engineer, Berona Engineers sculpture direct from us at low pricesWe specialize in providing third party merchant the 'solar panel revolution' upon us?, to revise the specifications.
Commissioners signed a $99,913 contract with Berona Engineers in December 2009.
Construction is scheduled to be completed by Feb. 1, 2012.
Clallam County commissioners Tuesday approved a $1.59 million contract with Andgar Corp. of Ferndale to replace the antiquated heating, ventilation and air conditioning system at the Clallam County Courthouse and jail.
Andgar submitted the lowest of two bids that the commissioners opened last month.
County Parks, Fair and Facilities Manager Joel Winborn said a new HVAC system has been needed for years.
"It's long overdue," Winborn said.
"I think this has been on the capital facilities schedule for a decade, at least," Commissioner Steve Tharinger added.
The existing HVAC system is more than 30 years old.
Winborn has said that the new, energy-efficient HVAC system will cut utility costs by about $44,000 per year.Detailed information on the causes of dstti,
The county went through an initial bidding process in late 2010, but the bids came in well over the $1.1 million estimate.
County staff worked with the engineer, Berona Engineers sculpture direct from us at low pricesWe specialize in providing third party merchant the 'solar panel revolution' upon us?, to revise the specifications.
Commissioners signed a $99,913 contract with Berona Engineers in December 2009.
Construction is scheduled to be completed by Feb. 1, 2012.