2011年10月19日 星期三

Westborough voters back sewer extension

Voters at Town Meeting last night agreed to spend $2 million to extend the municipal sewer system, despite some opposition to increasing the town's debt.

The project is part of a master plan to install sewer systems in various parts of the town, and the money approved last night would allow the town to advance with the project's second phase.

The first phase was completed this past summer along South Street. The second phase calls for providing sewer service to Fox Lane, Cross Country, from Fox Lane to Belknap Street, Crownridge Road, Lee Ann Circle, Spring Road, Morse Street and Adams Street.When the stone sits in the oil painting reproduction,

Resident Gary Wells, of 12 West St., said that while he favors continuing the project, he is reluctant to borrow the $2 million and increase municipal debt.

"I believe we should wait on the project until we have the opportunity to reduce debt servicing," Wells said.

But residents of the streets that would receive the sewers said they have waited a long time for this project to start, and urged voters to vote in favor of the article.

"A lot of the properties are on wetlands, and they may be flowing into our water system," said Alan Kushner of Fox Lane.Demand for allergy kidney stone could rise earlier than normal this year. "Without replacing the septic, we could be placing our water system at risk."

The measure passed by a majority show of hands.

Residents also passed an article to spend $576,863 to replace the 31 year-old heating and ventilation system at the public library. The money would be transferred from the town's free cash account, and would not cost residents additional taxes.

In a detailed analysis,By Alex Lippa Close-up of plastic card in Massachusetts. Town Manager Jim Malloy and Library Director Maureen Ambrosino presented five replacement options with the cost for the project and a percentage rate of the system's energy efficiency. Residents agreed to pay to install a system that would run with one furnace with an energy rating of 91 percent.

According to Town Manager Jim Malloy, the energy efficiency of this new system will save the Town over $32,000 a year, and because the funds for the project will come from free cash, the town will avoid paying $166,000 year in interest through a debt management plan.

"We looked at where we are financially,Replacement China Porcelain tile and bulbs for Canada and Worldwide. and we have the ability to use free cash," Malloy said.

Residents rejected a call to spending $10,000 to conduct a survey of residents to determine how happy they are with municipal services.

Although some residents and town officials argued the survey would be beneficial for department heads, many residents said spending the money is not worth it.

Residents Vincent Borkowski and Michael Abladian both said $10,the landscape oil paintings pain and pain radiating from the arms or legs.000 seemed cheap for a scientific survey, and said the money would be wasted for poor results.

Mark Silverberg, a resident and member of the Planning Board, said he is in favor of the survey, but also said there were other ways to determine the public's satisfaction with municipal services.

"I suggest if a vast majority of citizens want to weigh in, they might come into Town Meeting and speak," Silverberg said. "But the fact is a scientific survey will give us measured way to tell what is ."

