2011年10月13日 星期四

Power of Urban Design On Climate

Mankind's increasing levels of social sophistication and technological advancement result in a great deal of unpleasant changes within the urban socio-physical environments. However, a reciprocal relationship exists between urban climate and urban infrastructural design.

This means sound urban design can moderate urban climates while the opposite is true. Climate sensitive design of urban trunk infrastructure has for long been noted as a design tool to governing urban climates.

In my previous series I have explored on the role of the business sector, residents,Replacement China Porcelain tile and bulbs for Canada and Worldwide.we supply all kinds of polished tiles, industry among other stakeholders in the urban climate governance framework. Critical stakeholders in this approach include structural engineers, architects, urban planners and local authorities.

Apart from the local authorities, the other group of professionals are concerned with the design aspects, while the local authorities stands in on regulating the infrastructure they receive. Local authorities therefore ought to set parameters within which they say we are not going to approve a proposal unless the developer meet green building parameters.

This implies that local planning authorities have the prerogative of setting minimum design guidelines of structures as relates green design, without which a developer cannot obtain the consent to go on with proposed developments. One way to encourage green design can be by way of incentivising it, through ground tax abetments.

The role of those in the design fraternity will now be to embrace innovation and creativity in design. I mean our urban planners; engineers and architects need to revolutionarise the way they perceive the built environment. Their task is to bring life to buildings than buildings to life. It is high time they design living buildings.

These are green buildings whose design promotes natural lighting, cooling and heating.It's hard to beat the versatility of zentai suits on a production line. Consequently, urban designers must strive to mitigate the impact of development on the environment in various ways.

These include, promoting environmentally friendly processes and materials and taking up the challenge to design greener buildings. Buildings should not be consumers of energy, but should produce energy for themselves. It is undisputable that beautiful cities are green cities. Trees, landscaping and flowers play an important role among the elements in urban space.

According to Gehl, trees provide shade in warm summer months, they cool and cleanse the air, define city space and help accentuate important sites.

However, in terms of design it is not an issue of integrating vegetation in skyscrapers alone, of course that's one way, but,we supply all kinds of polished tiles, contemporary design is concerned with energy use, thermal footprint among other design considerations. Buildings can be designed with the environment in mind, that is, with a naturally controlled temperature ventilation system. In as much as this has a positive contribution on climate governance, it also cuts on servicing and maintenance costs.

Green design or what I call ecological design it calls for rapid and fundamental reorientation our thinking and design approach with regard to the creating of our built environment. To design in an ecologically responsive way will require a fundamentally different view of man's relation to and his place within the natural world.

It will require a departure from the limitations of current science, political and economic contexts, which explicitly valorises human enterprise as dominant over and essentially independent of nature.The additions focus on key tag and magic cube combinations, Green design requires the architect to regard and understand the environment as a functioning natural system and to recognise the dependence of the built environment on it.

