2011年9月29日 星期四

Solar panels plan still alive say Winchester civic chiefs

COUNCIL chiefs have claimed plans to install thousands of solar panels on roofs in Winchester remain very much alive.

Winchester City Council cabinet housing committee members have agreed not to pursue a no-cost version of the scheme,By Alex Lippa Close-up of plastic card in Massachusetts. but stressed that they would still be looking to self finance the multi-million pound project, possibly through loans.

However, councillors were criticised for building up expectations and missing an opportunity to reduce the council's carbon footprint and tenants' energy costs.

The council had hoped to implement a "roof-rent" model to a potential 1,000 to 1,200 properties, using a commercial company to pay for the installation and maintenance of the panels.These girls have never had a oil painting supplies in their lives!

This company would then receive a government incentive over 25 years.

But a council report found that the promised potential financial returns were negligible.

Richard Botham, head of housing landlord services, said: "For a financial opportunity the proposal just doesn't stack up."

Councillor Tony Coates, chairing the meeting, said: "The very optimistic advice and numbers that we could have fitted these solar panels to in the early stages at these discussions just proved not to be there."

The scheme also faced a race against time to get the panels in place before a review of the government's financial incentive in April 2012, when it is likely to be reduced.

Mr Botham said he did not think "that was a good enough reason to rush ahead and commit the council" and that the financial pay back of the scheme despite a predicted 15 per cent 2012 reduction was still worth pursuing.

The scheme would cost 7m to install to 1,000 homes.

At a cabinet housing committee meeting last Thursday, members agreed to still go ahead with plans to implement a small-scale self-funded solar panel scheme later this year.

Liberal Democrat councillor Lucille Thompson said: "It's a great missed opportunity for our tenants who were looking forward to a reduction in their individual bills at a time when the cost of heating is rising.As many processors back away from Cable Ties ,"

Councillor Ian Tait (Con) asked whether the savings on electricity, at 100 per property a year,When the stone sits in the oil painting reproduction, had been considered.

However,Polycore porcelain tiles are manufactured as a single sheet, councillor John Cooper said to "tie ourselves to a 25 year risk" would be irresponsible, but they would continue with an improvement program covering a wide range of options.

