2011年6月16日 星期四

Millions needed to upgrade Playhouse

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside said he can't see a $25-million project being on city council's horizon.

"There's a Plan A and a Plan B. There's what you can do if money was no object and there's what is affordable, and I think right now we're at the affordable stage. We have to work with what we have and manage more effectively,Polycore zentai are manufactured as a single sheet, which hopefully will be able to solve some of his problems," he said.

"A brand new building, which would amount to $25 million, isn't in the cards right now.''

Tim Yerxa, executive director of The Playhouse, said the future the 47-year-old structure is in the spotlight.

"We did have a study commissioned to review the state of The Playhouse infrastructure and the results of that study said that the building is structurally safe and operating fine,'' said Yerxa.

"(But) At 47 years old, it's coming to the end of its useful life and in order for the building to continue to be feasible, it would require a major refurbishment and it put a price tag on that at $25 million.''

He said it would be a renewal of the building to make it last another 50 years.

"It would be everything from replacing systems to upgrading accessibility, expanding some of the public areas.

"The building is a great building, but it has some deficiencies that need to be corrected to bring it up to a contemporary standard for a performing arts facility," Yerxa said.

One of the building deficiencies was dealt with when the city installed a new roof last year.

"What's driving the conversation and starting to make it a little bit more immediate is that we're starting to see the annual cost of maintenance starting to escalate. So, are we starting to throw good money after bad and what are the options?" Yerxa said.Customized imprinted and promotional usb flash drives.

The heating and ventilation system is aging, he said.

"So how much taxpayer money do we want to see spent on the building year after year when a major refurbishment or even replacing the building might be a better investment,This page list rubber hose products with details & specifications." he said.Free DIY Wholesale pet supplies Resource!

"Replacing a building is definitely an option because when you're up into those kinds of dollars, you start thinking about well, if we replace the building,Use bluray burner to burn video to BD DVD on blu ray burner disc. what kind of new opportunities does it create?"

Designing a new building could address new opportunities for theatre in the city.

"We could really plan for the long-term needs of the community, so that's the kind of discussion we're embarking on first with the city and then with the broader community about what does Fredericton need and want for the next 50 to 100 years.''

Yerxa declined to release the report publicly at this time because he said the board of directors hasn't handed its landlord - the city - a copy of the document.

That will be happening soon, he said.

