2011年6月22日 星期三

County Commissioner Supports "Clean Up West Odessa" Campaign 6/21/11

It's not often that garbage is inspiring but it's trash that has one group of west Odessans taking responsibility for what others have ignored.

Call it an eye sore or a fire hazard – either way – trash piled up along the road in west Odessa isn't good for the community.

Some believe a clean up committee could not only pick up trash but pick up the reputation of west Odessa as well.

"It's a vacant field so they just pitch away", says west Odessa resident, Kathy Cotton.

Beer bottles aren't the best lawn ornaments.

"You know that's a fire hazard", says Cotton, pointing at stacked wood and paper.

Piles of trash aren't exactly endearing when it comes to a neighborhood.

"It just bothers me to drive down the street and they've just trashed it out.Houston-based Quicksilver Resources said Friday it had reached pipeline deals..Our Polymax RUBBER SHEET range includes all commercial and specialist they've thrown garbage out there", says Cotton.

Kathy has lived in West Odessa since the early 70s but she's finally decided that enough is enough.

"It's time that it come to an end and things get cleaned up around here", she says.

She started picking up trash around her neighborhood with granddaughter Sara, before deciding to go bigger.

"I've made the comment to people that we're trying to clean up West Odessa and people are like, 'Good! Great, its about time'."

Now the county is joining the cause.

"I get calls probably weekly from people out in this community and they want to know whey we can't get this area cleaned up", says Ector County Commissioner Freddie Gardner.

Gardner is supporting Kathy and Bev Ferguson's effort to form an organized clean up committee, which will tackle trash across the wide stretches of west Odessa.

"I think it just takes some people that care to show other people that they need to care also... it just kind of snowballs", says Gardner.

Now Kathy is hoping others will join her for some major outdoor redecorating.

"We want to give West Odessa a good name again",What to consider before you buy oil painting supplies. says Cotton.

County Attorney Cindy Weir Nutter is joining Freddie Gardner in offering as much county support as possible.We processes for both low-risk and high risk merchant account.Detailed information on the causes of Hemorrhoids,

There is even a possibility of getting some county workers to help with the cleanup effort.

A "Clean Up West Odessa" community meeting is being held on Tuesday June 28th at 6:00pm.

Refreshments will be provided and anyone in attendance is eligible to win a $100 gift certificate.

