2011年8月31日 星期三

Shores should be inviting

This may be an example of how such material should not be written.

There should be a sober and well considered explanation from the health experts. Also there should be a serious statement from the agricultural authorities on how they protect the environment.100 promotional usb was used to link the lamps together. Municipal leaders should be asked for their considered opinions on how they are protecting one of Ontario's greatest lakes.

I am tired of them all. This is written for two kids standing in the blazing sun looking at the inviting waters of Lake Temiskaming in which they yearn to splash and swim. The good news is that Sunday night I sent two reliable agents to patrol the beaches at New Liskeard. They reported happy kids splashing in the water.

It is still outrageous and both a local and provincial scandal that during too many hot summers, the waters from New Liskeard to Haileybury and probably further south are infected with the bug that causes swimmers itch.

New Liskeard did build a covered swimming pool but I doubt if an indoor pool is an adequate substitute for running on a sandy beach and jumping into a real lake.

Kids in Haileybury can enjoy a more imaginative solution.

I believe it was Ted Byck and George Culhane who originated the idea and campaigned for it. A large stretch of water was enclosed by connecting a breakwater and pier or wharf on which the early pioneers may have landed. Into this large enclosed space fresh treated water is constantly pumped thus keeping the itch at bay.When the stone sits in the polished tiles,

Dozens of kids and many adults travel from New Liskeard to enjoy Haileybury's giant swimming hole. It must be tough for those who cannot make the trip.

The official line for many years is that it is all the farmers' fault. Assorted muck from the fields works its way through ditches and streams into the Wabi River and then into the lake carrying all kinds of nutrients for the itch bugs.

I find it very odd. When I first saw the Tri-Towns, the beaches at New Liskeard and Haileybury were crowded with swimmers every summer. Perhaps 40 or more years ago there was a great push and government grants to drain fields.They take the plastic card to the local co-op market. It used to be called tile drainage using clay or ceramic pipes buried beneath the surface. I believe these have been replaced by perforated plastic pipes.

It has been a very long time since I milked a cow and I am certainly not an expert. Across the pond in more simple times a good farmer always took care of his manure heap. It was always straight and neat with vertical sides and the manure was not spread on the fields until it was well rotted.

I suppose in Canada this kind of pile might freeze. The gas would build up and the pile might eventually explode with embarrassing results.

Few jobs are less pleasant than cleaning up behind a herd of cows. In the past it was done with a shovel and a wheelbarrow. It took a lot of time and I am told that modern farmers are more likely to use a high pressure hose and wash it all away into a tank or some kind of storage facility. So what goes on the fields is not exactly what came out of the cow.

It is very easy to blame the farmers but I refuse to add to the burdens of a group shamefully treated by Canadians who want cheap food at any cost while burying their best agricultural land under asphalt. I have long suspected that it is human actions and human waste that is responsible for the itch.

Many years ago when the first sewage lagoon was built at New Liskeard there was a terrible commotion at a New Liskeard council meeting.

A radio type had reported accurately that the lagoon was being flushed into the Wabi River. The New Liskeard mayor at the time could not stand any kind of criticism and he went nearly berserk,Traditional kidney stone claim to clean all the air in a room. attacking the radio guy for wicked irresponsibility.

I should have followed up on it but I was already very unpopular for a sympathetic interview with a lady who was losing her home to make way for the lagoons. Many also blame the ducks and seagulls. It is said their poop and warm water is a dangerous mixture.then used cut pieces of Aion Kinah garden hose to get through the electric fence.

