For people wanting an environmentally-friendly way to get rid of their kitchen waste, vermicomposting may be just the ticket.
This type of composting uses worms, usually brandling worms (Eisena foetida) or red wigglers (Lumbricus rubellus), to create nutrient-rich material from kitchen waste.
“Worms need food too,” said Linda Langelo, CSU Extension agent. “Brandling and red wiggler worms eat compost and manure. This passes through their bodies and is excreted as castings or worm manure. These castings are organic material rich in nutrients.”
Earthworms (Allolobophora caliginosa) like garden soil. According to New Mexico University Extension, there can be up to 500,000 earthworms in an acre of land.If any food Ventilation system condition is poorer than those standards, They can recycle five tons of soil or more in one year. However, they spend their time at the bottom of compost piles, so they would not be the best worm to use in vermicompost bins.If so, you may have a cube puzzle .
Langelo said she tried out a vermicompost bin for about eight months. She used her vermicompost in her garden beds as a great organic fertilizer and soil conditioner.
Not only does this method give the user nutrient-rich material for their garden, it also helps reduce trash and keep waste out of the landfill.
Wood is a better insulator if the container is going to be kept outside. Langelo advised people to stay away from redwood or other aromatic woods because they kill the worms.the Aion Kinah by special invited artist for 2011,
Plastic bins tend to keep the compost too moist, and they don’t have insulating properties.we supply all kinds of oil painting supplies, However, plastic is easier to keep clean than wood.
Langelo said the trick is to find a bin no deeper than 8-12 inches. “Red wigglers are surface feeders. When you go to add bedding and food wastes, it packs down in bins which are deeper,” she said. “This forces air out and creates an anaerobic condition which causes the bin to smell. You always want to keep it in aerobic condition with lots of air.”
The size of the bin is determined by the number of people in the household and how much food waste is produced every week. The rule of thumb is to provide one square foot of surface area per pound of waste, said Langelo.
Whether the bin is plastic or wood, air and drainage holes 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter should be drilled in the bottom and sides of the container. Rest the bin on cinder blocks, brick or gravel with a tray underneath the bin to catch the drainage. Special plastic worm bins are also available which have several layers with a faucet in the bottom layer to allow for drainage.
“The liquid being drained at first is excess water and compost tea later as the food waste is being composted. This compost tea can be used on indoor plants or to fertilize any plants in your landscaping,” said Langelo.
A variety of items can be used for bedding materials in the compost bins, helping to reduce the amount of waste headed to the landfill.
Langelo suggests using shredded newspaper, envelopes (after removing the plastic windows), computer paper or cardboard. Other ideas include shredded leaves, straw, hay or dead plants, sawdust, peat moss,Do not use cleaners with porcelain tiles , steel wool or thinners. compost or aged composted manure.
Bedding material high in cellulose is best to use, like plants and paper. They help aerate the environment for the worms.
Langelo said she started with a couple pounds of worms from a worm farm when she first began her vermicompost bin. “Two pounds of worms can recycle a pound of food waste in 24 hours,” she said. “Just add the worms to the top of the prepared bin and they will make their way into the bedding.”
This type of composting uses worms, usually brandling worms (Eisena foetida) or red wigglers (Lumbricus rubellus), to create nutrient-rich material from kitchen waste.
“Worms need food too,” said Linda Langelo, CSU Extension agent. “Brandling and red wiggler worms eat compost and manure. This passes through their bodies and is excreted as castings or worm manure. These castings are organic material rich in nutrients.”
Earthworms (Allolobophora caliginosa) like garden soil. According to New Mexico University Extension, there can be up to 500,000 earthworms in an acre of land.If any food Ventilation system condition is poorer than those standards, They can recycle five tons of soil or more in one year. However, they spend their time at the bottom of compost piles, so they would not be the best worm to use in vermicompost bins.If so, you may have a cube puzzle .
Langelo said she tried out a vermicompost bin for about eight months. She used her vermicompost in her garden beds as a great organic fertilizer and soil conditioner.
Not only does this method give the user nutrient-rich material for their garden, it also helps reduce trash and keep waste out of the landfill.
Wood is a better insulator if the container is going to be kept outside. Langelo advised people to stay away from redwood or other aromatic woods because they kill the worms.the Aion Kinah by special invited artist for 2011,
Plastic bins tend to keep the compost too moist, and they don’t have insulating properties.we supply all kinds of oil painting supplies, However, plastic is easier to keep clean than wood.
Langelo said the trick is to find a bin no deeper than 8-12 inches. “Red wigglers are surface feeders. When you go to add bedding and food wastes, it packs down in bins which are deeper,” she said. “This forces air out and creates an anaerobic condition which causes the bin to smell. You always want to keep it in aerobic condition with lots of air.”
The size of the bin is determined by the number of people in the household and how much food waste is produced every week. The rule of thumb is to provide one square foot of surface area per pound of waste, said Langelo.
Whether the bin is plastic or wood, air and drainage holes 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter should be drilled in the bottom and sides of the container. Rest the bin on cinder blocks, brick or gravel with a tray underneath the bin to catch the drainage. Special plastic worm bins are also available which have several layers with a faucet in the bottom layer to allow for drainage.
“The liquid being drained at first is excess water and compost tea later as the food waste is being composted. This compost tea can be used on indoor plants or to fertilize any plants in your landscaping,” said Langelo.
A variety of items can be used for bedding materials in the compost bins, helping to reduce the amount of waste headed to the landfill.
Langelo suggests using shredded newspaper, envelopes (after removing the plastic windows), computer paper or cardboard. Other ideas include shredded leaves, straw, hay or dead plants, sawdust, peat moss,Do not use cleaners with porcelain tiles , steel wool or thinners. compost or aged composted manure.
Bedding material high in cellulose is best to use, like plants and paper. They help aerate the environment for the worms.
Langelo said she started with a couple pounds of worms from a worm farm when she first began her vermicompost bin. “Two pounds of worms can recycle a pound of food waste in 24 hours,” she said. “Just add the worms to the top of the prepared bin and they will make their way into the bedding.”